
KTC Graduation LLB

Moose hunt sunrise in the Boreal Forest
Photo credit: Joe Whittle

Children at the Lubicon Cree First Nation village of Little Buffalo
Photo credit: Joe Whittle

Wolf and moose tracks found together during a moose hunt.
Photo credit: Joe Whittle

Traditional Cree Storytelling
These stories of the old days when animals were people contain great humor and wit, but also wisdom that can continue to sink in even after years of hearing them told over and over. Photo credit: Joe Whittle

Oil development at the end of a cutline far, far out in the Boreal Forest.
Photo credit: Joe Whittle

Welcome to the Lubicon Lake Band webpage. Our community is located in Little Buffalo, in northwestern Alberta, in the Treaty 8 region.
On February 15th, the Cree people of this First Nation held an election and voted in a Chief and Council. You can read about the election results in the Peace River Record Gazette and AMMSA (Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta).